Amazing Avo Toast

Amazing Avo Toast

Amazing Avo Toast

Recipe by @WildAsLight
Serves 1

1 slice Alvarado Street Bakery Sprouted Sourdough Bread
3 cherry tomatoes
1/2 small Persian cucumber 
1/2 avocado
1 radish
Pinch of microgreens or sprouts
Cream cheese (or mayo) of choice 
Himalayan pink salt & black pepper to taste



Lightly toast bread while preparing the other ingredients. Chop cherry tomatoes and use a vegetable peeler to slice thin sections of both your cucumber and radish. Cut avocado into thin, long slices.

Once bread is toasted, spread on cream cheese (or mayo), sprinkle some pink salt and top with ingredients in above order for ease of eating! Top with fresh microgreens and fresh cracked pepper! Enjoy!